Member-2-Member Savings Member-2-Member Savings Listing<< PrevNext >> Write Your Book in 60 Days (or less)!From So It Is WrittenEnds 12/31/2025For 60 days, you can get access to me personally to help you move your book project forward!This is UNLIMITED Laser Coaching for your book. We meet by phone for 15 minute calls (45 minutes for our first call), confirm your goals, identify the steps that will get you there, agree on homework to complete before your next call, and then I send you a recording of your call (and the link for your next session). We'll determine what you’re going to work on as homework before our next call, and then you’re off to implement.NOTE: You can schedule as many 15-minute laser coaching sessions as you like over the next 60 days (except on Sundays, but other than that, you’re good to go – and I will have plenty of availability)! You simply must do your homework before you schedule the next session. This pushes you to take the action YOU need to take to get the results you want.Investment is $2,500 or two payments of $1,250. View Details << PrevNext >>Member Directory | Chamber Events | Member Account | Member Events | Member Job Listings | Member-2-Member Savings | Member News | Request for Information Upcoming EventsTue1 Women's Business Forum: EmpowHER WellnessApr 1st @ 8:30 AM Register Wed2 Leadership Enrichment: Pledge to Lead with ConvictionApr 2nd @ 8:30 AM Register Fri11 Your City, County, State & You-presented by Consumers EnergyApr 11th @ 8:00 AM Register Wed23 CEO Series: Where Life Connects: The Detroit Zoo’s JourneyApr 23rd @ 8:30 AM Register Thank you to our Platinum Members Our Focus is Your Business Become a Member SIGN-UP TO RECEIVEThe Weekly E-Newsletter, the TC Insider Name Company Email Address 8 + 5 = SIGN UP