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New Report: Michigan Youth Vaping, Flavored Tobacco Products Threaten Progress to Reduce Tobacco Use
01/19/2022 03:48 PM

Embargoed until January 26, 2022, 12:01PM ET New Report:

Michigan Youth Vaping, Flavored Tobacco Products Threaten Progress to Reduce Tobacco Use New report reveals Michigan tobacco control successes over past 20 years, and outlines path to end tobacco use, save lives *Embargoed State of Tobacco Report available upon request

DETROIT (January 26, 2022) - The American Lung Association’s 20th annual “State of Tobacco Control” report, released today, finds that Michigan earned failing grades on passing policies to reduce and prevent tobacco use, including e-cigarettes.

The “State of Tobacco Control” report evaluates state and federal policymakers on actions taken to eliminate tobacco use, the nation’s leading cause of preventable death. The report also recommends proven-effective tobacco control laws and policies to save lives.

Here in Michigan, in the last 20 years, lawmakers have made significant strides to reduce tobacco use, like Michigan’s comprehensive smokefree workplace law, however, there is more work to be done. In Michigan, the adult smoking rate is still 18.4%, and the high school tobacco use rate is 23.0%.

“While we have seen considerable progress, tobacco use remains our leading cause of preventable death and disease, taking an estimated 16,170 lives each year in Michigan,” said Ken Fletcher, Director of Advocacy at the Lung Association. “And our progress on tobacco control policy has not been equal. We continue to see the unequal burden of tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke in communities experiencing health disparities.”

“State of Tobacco Control” 2022 grades states and the District of Columbia in five areas that have been proven to prevent and reduce tobacco use and save lives. Michigan received the following grades:

Michigan’s Grades

1. Funding for State Tobacco Prevention Programs - Grade F

2. Strength of Smokefree Air Laws - Grade C

3. Level of State Tobacco Taxes - Grade F

4. Coverage and Access to Services to Quit Tobacco - Grade D

5. Ending the Sale of All Flavored Tobacco Products - Grade F

This year’s report noted the need for Michigan policymakers to focus on ending the sale of all flavored tobacco products, including menthol cigarettes. According to the 2021 National Youth Tobacco Survey , more than two million high school and middle school students use e-cigarettes, and over 80% of those kids use flavored e-cigarettes. In addition, menthol cigarettes continue to be the major cause of tobacco-related death and disease in Black communities, with nearly 81% of Black Americans who smoke using them. Ending the sale of flavored tobacco products, including menthol, will not only help end youth vaping, but will also help address the disproportionate impact of menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars have on many communities, including Black Americans, LGBTQ+ Americans and youth.

“Kids follow the flavors, so ending the sale of all flavored tobacco products in Michigan is key to ending youth tobacco use. We call on legislators in Lansing to prohibit the sale of all flavored tobacco products, including menthol, across Michigan,” said Ken Fletcher.

One of the most effective ways to reduce tobacco use, not only among low-income individuals but also for youth, is to significantly increase the tax on all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. Multiple studies have shown that every 10% increase in the price of cigarettes reduces consumption by about 4% among adults and about 7% among youth. Michigan has not significantly increased its tobacco tax in 20 years.

“To protect kids from a lifetime of nicotine addiction, the Lung Association in Michigan encourages Michigan to increase cigarette taxes by at least $1.00 per pack and equalize the tax on other tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and cigars with its cigarette tax,” said Ken Fletcher.

An investment in prevention is especially important given the ongoing youth vaping epidemic.

“Despite receiving $1,159,400,000 tobacco settlement payments and tobacco taxes, Michigan only funds tobacco control efforts at 3.8% of the level recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Lung Association believes the funds should be used to support the health of our communities, and to prevent tobacco use and help people quit, and not switch to e-cigarettes. These programs are also critical for helping to end tobacco-related health disparities,” said Ken Fletcher.

Federal Grades Overview

Nationally, the report reveals significant progress in the work to end tobacco use, but products like e-cigarettes and other flavored tobacco products, including menthol cigarettes, create concern for losing another generation to nicotine addiction. “

State of Tobacco Control” 2022 also grades the federal government in five areas:

  • · Federal Government Regulation of Tobacco Products (2022 grade - D)
  • · Federal Coverage of Quit Smoking Treatments (2022 grade - D)
  • · Level of Federal Tobacco Taxes (2022 grade - F)
  • · Federal Mass Media Campaigns to Prevent and Reduce Tobacco Use (2022 grade - A)
  • · Federal Minimum Age of Sale for Tobacco Products to 21 (2022 grade - I*)

* The Incomplete grade is for the FDA being more than 18 months overdue in publishing the final Tobacco 21 regulations as required by statute.

“In 2022, Michigan needs to redouble their efforts to pass the proven policies called for in ‘State of Tobacco Control’ to help end tobacco use. We cannot afford to wait 20 more years and allow another generation to suffer from tobacco-caused addiction, disease and death,” said Fletcher. ###

About the American Lung Association

The American Lung Association is the leading organization working to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease, through research, education and advocacy. The work of the American Lung Association is focused on four strategic imperatives: to defeat lung cancer; to improve the air we breathe; to reduce the burden of lung disease on individuals and their families; and to eliminate tobacco use and tobacco-related diseases. For more information about the American Lung Association, a holder of the coveted 4-star rating from Charity Navigator and a Gold-Level GuideStar Member, or to support the work it does, call 1-800-LUNGUSA (1-800-586-4872) or visit: . American Lung Association 1-800-LUNGUSA (1-800-586-4872)  

James A. Martinez
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